31 March 2008

Be the man

Attraction is an amazing activity between man and woman. Our brain can not tell the difference between what is real and what is imaginary. If you truly believe in an idea and visualize strongly on this idea, you can create the outcome in no time. However, most of the time we live in a world when we concentrate on what we do not want rather than the real desires of our life.

Obviously, the subject is massive. If you want to read more about this subject, check out 'the secret' and 'law of attraction' books. I have really enjoyed reading them and benefit from them a lot. However, our subject is more specific when it comes to dating and that is how can I really 'be the man' I want to be?

Simple question and here is a very simple answer. Get a pen and notebook and start visualizing the characteristics man you want to be. Who is this person? James Bond? Brad Pitt? Hugh Grant... you name it. Now start writing things down about this character. How do they speak, how do they act, how do they react. Have you created a list?

Now here is the easy part. Test this list out in real life. Keep the characteristics you like and drop the ones you don't. Remember you are only trying to adopt ideas and good characteristics from these people not their lives. It is this simple. It will take some time to master it, but if you truly believe you are as cool as James Bond in your head. Life will create a world where this could come true for you one day. Just believe in yourself and let the universe do its work.

29 March 2008

Should I go back to my ex who dumped me?

Well I know most of you are not going to agree with me but I am going to say a big NO to this.

Given the fact that she has left you, unless you have been a JERK with her and she is now forgiving you, then my answer above stays the same.

Every woman priorities in their life better us. For some reason, we never learn this from them. They take everything into account and leave the stuff that they don't consider important in a list way below the priority list. This doesn't mean that they don't care. They might do but for a while they choose to wait till it sorts itself out. In this case it was your relationship. So your woman when she decide to dump you, she might be thinking in her head 'he will come back to me' and make me feel special again one day, but for now I don't want him'.Think about this for a while.Do you really want to go back to her because you now ready to take her next test? or do you have some pride in yourself.

Just to recap that I am assuming you have been nice with her and you did not treat her bad in the past and all this breaking up hit you as a surprise.When men fall in love, they will tell the world all about this magnificent being.''I love her, she is the best woman in the world, I can’t live without her, I need her'', guess what woman talk that way about their SHOES!! :).

So my friend, it is time to move on and find a woman who will treat you right and not put you in to any tests or exams.Believe me you will feel much better when you meet the right woman.

When she change the game play

Attraction is a very difficult thing to understand. When you first meet your partner, it all seems very magical that nothing can take her away from you and there is nothing to it, she likes you and you like her, all very magical.

Something great is missed out in this period of relationships and this is closing our eyes to what we are building in the first few weeks. If you become a man who is constantly on the phone sending text messages, calling your girlfriend and thinking about her 24/7, then there are very hard times waiting for you.

Do not go into this trap of giving up everything around you. You are still the same guy before you met this woman and as we have talked about this before she has been attracted to you because of who you were. So if you are going to try to please her with tons of calls and flowers, guess what she is going to do. Of course, she will lose her attraction to you and you will hear less and less from her in the process. The new game will be that she is going to search for a man who had those qualities you have lost.

We miss things in our life which don't come easy, so don't go changing your life. Make sure that she is part of your life, not all of it.

28 March 2008

How can I keep her attracted?

This is probably more important than actually getting a girl to like you. It is obvious that you don't just want her to like you for the first hour, day or week. You want her to keep liking you. Yet all of us at some point forget this and go into this lazy laid back mood and start becoming needy. No woman in the world needs a wuss guy, they are after a MAN and conscious or not you came across as one strong, dominant MAN in the first date and that's why they are still with you.

So, how do you keep her attracted? Just make a big list of all the things that you did in the first minute, hour, day and week when you met her. Expand on your list, read blogs, help forums on what you find and keep working at it. Trust me this is the easiest way you can keep the woman you are with right now. Don't go round using any other guys list as your woman was not attracted to him, she was attracted to you.

27 March 2008

Dating World

It is so difficult to understand why so many men go wrong in the dating game. I am not been patronizing here, before you judge that statement.

I have suffered so much in this game until one day decided to sit down and write a few things down.I was quiet amazed that when I read my notes, it all seemed quiet simple. I was doing the same mistakes over and over again. Only the faces were changing in my relationships but the dramas were all the same.

In this blog, I am going to attempt to help everyone who is going through the same problems and hope to come out with some simple helpful tips.First, realization I have made was that I had no problems in the beginning of the relationships. I am not actually talking about the 'chat up lines' or ' how I met a girl' etc, we will talk about that on another blog, and I am talking about the first few months. Everything was superb, love, sex, chats, you name it. After a while all these magical times seemed to disappear leaving me with jealousies, doubts and many sleepless nights. So what was happening? why all of the girls I met seemed to be providing me with these events. Or could it be something that I was doing wrong?


Men are amazing beings; we tend to forget very easily things that need our attention. Why does a woman ever get attracted to a man? A very simple question and I can hear most of you might say money, fame, physical looks etc. Well, these might contribute, however they are definitely not the answer. Women get attracted to a man because they think that they have found a MAN! Ok, before you judge me on this let me explain.

Men are figures of dominance, power, coolness and all of these attributes are passed on to woman as a very high attraction factor. Whether consciously or not they judge us with above attributes. If a man come across wussy, needy or similar, believe me it does not matter if he has the best car or the best looks, she will lose her attraction to him.

After, realizing that few months down the line I was becoming needy in all my relationships, I thought this was my starting point to understand the dating world between woman and man.First lesson learned. Be the man that she met and don't give in to your neediness to keep her happy with not so dominant behaviors.

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