27 March 2008

Dating World

It is so difficult to understand why so many men go wrong in the dating game. I am not been patronizing here, before you judge that statement.

I have suffered so much in this game until one day decided to sit down and write a few things down.I was quiet amazed that when I read my notes, it all seemed quiet simple. I was doing the same mistakes over and over again. Only the faces were changing in my relationships but the dramas were all the same.

In this blog, I am going to attempt to help everyone who is going through the same problems and hope to come out with some simple helpful tips.First, realization I have made was that I had no problems in the beginning of the relationships. I am not actually talking about the 'chat up lines' or ' how I met a girl' etc, we will talk about that on another blog, and I am talking about the first few months. Everything was superb, love, sex, chats, you name it. After a while all these magical times seemed to disappear leaving me with jealousies, doubts and many sleepless nights. So what was happening? why all of the girls I met seemed to be providing me with these events. Or could it be something that I was doing wrong?


Men are amazing beings; we tend to forget very easily things that need our attention. Why does a woman ever get attracted to a man? A very simple question and I can hear most of you might say money, fame, physical looks etc. Well, these might contribute, however they are definitely not the answer. Women get attracted to a man because they think that they have found a MAN! Ok, before you judge me on this let me explain.

Men are figures of dominance, power, coolness and all of these attributes are passed on to woman as a very high attraction factor. Whether consciously or not they judge us with above attributes. If a man come across wussy, needy or similar, believe me it does not matter if he has the best car or the best looks, she will lose her attraction to him.

After, realizing that few months down the line I was becoming needy in all my relationships, I thought this was my starting point to understand the dating world between woman and man.First lesson learned. Be the man that she met and don't give in to your neediness to keep her happy with not so dominant behaviors.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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